ECMR 2007 European Conference on Mobile Robots
The primary aim of ECMR is to establish a biannual European forum, internationally open, allowing researchers through Europe to become acquainted with the latest accomplishments and innovations in advanced mobile robotics and mobile human-robot systems. The first ECMR meeting was held in September 2003 in Radziejowice, Poland, followed by ECMR in September 2005 in Ancona, Italy. ECMR'07 is aimed at continuing this policy. ECMR especially seeks to attract young researchers to present their work to an international audience.
Most aspects of robotics research and machine intelligence are involved, including (but not limited to) the following topics: multi-sensor fusion, obstacle avoidance, localization, map building, navigation, active perception, behavior and appearance-based robotics, path and task planning, multi-robot systems, learning and adaptation, vision-based navigation, multimodal human-robot interaction, etc.
ECMR will provide keynote sessions, original presentations about research in progress and it will be organized in single track mode to favor discussions.
Call for papers